Then a transistor with no series emitter resistor and its base biased at 0. Triac pinout, ekvivalent, specifikacie a technicke udaje electrical engineering books. Oncharacteristics electricalcharacteristicsta25cunlessotherwisenotedcountinued 70 40. Choosing transistor replacements electronics notes. As complementary type the pnp transistor st 2sa733 is recommended. The information presented in on semiconductors cross reference tool is based on our best estimate of other manufacturers published. It depends on exactly what the function of the transistor is, but heaps of transistors will substitute for it in a great many situations. Dec 11, 2017 2n2222a is a npn transistor hence the collector and emitter will be left open reverse biased when the base pin is held at ground and will be closed forward biased when a signal is provided to base pin. Silicon npn transistor general purpose amplifier to92 order for 97 or more ship same day or within 48hrs. C945 transistor npn feature z excellent h fe linearity z low noise z complementary to a733 maximum ratings t a25. C945 is an npn silicon planar epitaxial transistor designed for audio frequency amplifier.
Many of the transistors have a huge range of noise so some are low noise and others are very noisy. The current in the voltage divider should be 10 times the base current. Electrical characteristics ta25 c unless otherwise noted countinued characteristics symbol min typ max unit. Npn transistor, c945 datasheet, c945 circuit, c945 data sheet. Basic semiconductor physics, diodes, the nonlinear diode model, load line analysis, large signal diode models, offset diode model, transistors, large signal bjt model, load line analysis, small signal model and transistor amplification. C1815 is a widely used transistor, it is used in commercial and educational projects.
Transistor 2sc945 transistors c945 ksc945 15a 50v npn to92. These features include low current, low voltage, good linearity, low noise, complementary to a733 and many more. Smd equivalent the smd versions of the c945 are available as the 2sc2712 sot23, 2sc4116 sot323, 2sc4738 sot23, fjx945 sot323, ktc3875 sot23 and ktc3875s sot23. Smallsignal transistor data book, 86 pages, 1984, motorola. When looking at the flat side with the leads pointed downward, the three leads emerging from the transistor are, from left to right, the emitter, collector, and base leads. I have some 2n2222 lying around and it seems comparable, but i cant quite tell. C945, c945 npn general purpose transistor, buy c945 transistor. C945 transistor pinout, equivalent, uses, features. I believe the transistor for the speaker circuit just broke imo, sitting an hour in rain would do it. Apr 05, 2008 i during 80s and 90s, i used to search for components equivalents in books.
Find the pdf datasheet, specifications and distributor information. A c945 transistor is a type of negativepositivenegative npn bipolar junction transistor. Fairchild semiconductor, maximum operating frequency. Texas instruments transistor and diode databook 1st ed 1973 datasheets for diodes from 1n251 on and transistors from 2n117 on acrobat 7 pdf 34. Each transistor is different, the voltage increases when the current increases and the voltage decreases when the temperature increases. C945 transistor is an electronic equipment used for low power applications.
It comes in a to92 package, this transistor can drive max load around 150ma that is enough to operate many devices in a circuit for leds, relays, ics, transistors and other parts of electronics circuits. C945 bipolar junction transistor has a wide range of applications in real life. Select a replacement transistor with equivalent ft. Design and application of transistor switching circuits. How to find a transistor replacement all about circuits. Ss9015 pnp epitaxial silicon transistor filipeflop. Measuring air gap of a magnetic core for homewound inductors and flyback transformer 7. Stanson npn transistor,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and. Circuits such as a smallsignal amplifier or a highspeed switching circuit might employ one or more c945 transistors. C945 pdf, c945 description, c945 datasheets, c945 view. This section contains free e books and guides on transistor circuits, some of the resources in this section can be viewed online and some of them can be downloaded.
Aug 31, 2018 c945 is an npn silicon planar epitaxial transistor designed for audio frequency amplifier. After sending, we will track the products for you once every two days, until you get the products. St 2sc945 npn silicon epitaxial planar transistor for switching and af amplifier applications. C1815 transistor details about pinout, equivalent, uses. C945 cross reference electronic circuits, tv schematics. It is manufactured in to93 package, the max load this transistor can drive is around 150ma or 0. C945 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search desinging a pre amlifier with transistor datashwet instead of using an old oriental transistor with most of its datasheet not translated into english then use a newer american 2n that has very fine details in its datasheet. C945, c945 datasheet, c945 npn general purpose transistor, buy c945 transistor.
It is recommended to check pin configuration of the transistor before replacing in a circuit. And to drive that transistor im using c945 another transistor. This is low noise microphone preamplifier circuit, by 2 transistor mono part name c945 or c828 or 2sc829 or c458. Hilitchi 24values 2n2222s9018 bc327bc558 npn pnp power. A c945 transistor is a type of npn bipolar junction transistor. C945 datasheet, c945 pdf, c945 data sheet, datasheet, data sheet, pdf. Hilitchi 675piece 15 values 2n2222s9018 npn pnp power. But, the only things i see on this transistor again, i dont know what is it, really, are. C945 transistor pinout joule thief, computer hardware, diy electronics, ham radio.
Hence it was widely used in amplifier applications for preamplifying purpose, in high frequency circuits. The transistor is subdivided into five groups, r, o, y, p and l, according to its dc current gain. Dont go for a transistor with a much higher ft as this may increase the risk of oscillation. C945 npn transistor complementary pnp, replacement, pinout.
The complementary pnp transistor to the c945 is the a733. A wide variety of transistor c945 options are available to you, there are 297 suppliers who sells transistor c945 on, mainly located in asia. As prathamesh satardekar has said, 2n2222 is as good as any. Pcr406 sensitive gate thyristor electricidad y electronica. C unless noted otherwise off characteristics c945 symbol description.
Data sheet bipolar analog integrated circuit pc1830 filtercontaining video chroma, specified in a renesas electronics data sheets or data books, etc. The information presented in on semiconductors cross reference tool is based on our best estimate of other manufacturers published information at the time that we collected this information. C945 is a general purpose npn transistor used in wide variety of commercial and educational electronic circuits. Rectron inc reserves the right to make changes without notice to any product specification herein, to make corrections, modifications, enhancements or other. The c945 is an age old japanese bipolar audio frequency npn transistor. C945 cross reference electronic circuits, tv schematics, audio. C945 is a generalpurpose npn transistor that widely used in a variety of commercial and educational electronic circuits.
Etc to92 plasticencapsulate transistors,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. There is absolutely no markings on this thing, and it. The noise specs for the transistors are all with different supply voltages, different frequencies, different currents and different source resistances so you cannot directly compare them. Is there any webbased or stand alone program to do such service for transistors and ics. C945 datasheet, equivalent, cross reference search.
Hilitchi 250piece 10 values npn pnp power general purpose transistors assortment kit bc327bc558. The 2n3906 is a commonly used pnp bipolar junction transistor intended for general purpose. It has a decent gain value hfe of maximum 700 and is highly linear. Typically, circuits where a lowcurrent, highspeed transistor is required will employ a transistor such as the c945 transistor. Page 2 of 5 electrical characteristics t ambient25. Hilitchi 250piece 10 values npn pnp power general purpose. The 2sc945 is designed for use in driver stage of af amplifier and low speed switching.
Circuits where a lowcurrent, highspeed transistor is required will employ a transistor such as. A wide variety of c smd transistor options are available to you, such as fieldeffect transistor, triode transistor, and bipolar junction transistor. C945 wyszukuj i wygodnie pobieraj dokumentacje na stronie elenota. Circuits where a lowcurrent, highspeed transistor is required will employ a transistor such as c945 transistor. Diodes and transistors pdf 28p this note covers the following topics. Hilitchi 24values 2n2222s9018 bc327bc558 npn pnp power general purpose transistors assortment kit pack of 840. Silicon npn transistor general purpose amplifier to92. It is necessary to ensure that the replacement transistor will be able to operate at the relevant frequencies, so a similar or slightly higher ft is advisable. Stanson, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors. C945 transistor datasheet pdf, equivalent, c945 features. There is absolutely no markings on this thing, and it has three legs and black solid body. Semiconductor transistor, diode, ic cross reference. Sot23 bipolar transistors transistor npn shenzhen jin yu semicon. Oct 04, 2012 i am more of a digital guy, but i am trying to make a replacemnt controller for my snow maker machine i have.
Free transistor circuits books download ebooks online. The bc549 is a bc547 or bc548 selected for its low noise. Find c945 transistor datasheet related suppliers, manufacturers, products and specifications on globalspec a trusted source of c945 transistor datasheet information. But when its loaded and after some time the c945 had gone. The circuit is simple and i basically understand it and can recreate it, except for the transistor. Recent listings manufacturer directory get instant insight into any electronic component. Desinging a pre amlifier with transistor c beta for a transistor is a range of numbers because some transistors are better than other transistors even when they have the same part number and are made by the same manufacturer. C945 p331 pdf c transistor datasheet pdf, c equivalent. I have an old microphone,i want to make play with common amplifier. The c945 is the same as a 2sc945 ecept that the pins are arranged ebc. Transistor equivalent electronics forum circuits, projects.
446 801 807 330 1212 553 152 48 83 177 267 575 347 1302 729 466 1214 869 34 510 749 861 420 327 1163 807 718 1042 255 740 1090 87 150 930 89 1174 753 579 1348 838 1169 1326 970 773